Graduating from Georgia Tech in Atlanta, my major was Business, but many other things hold my attention captive. With a minor in Philosophy, I have a strong inclination to learn and discuss big topics, to debate social issues, and to be reasonable in my faith. I am a thinker, a reader, and a writer. In 2017, I co-founded Greek Cru at Georgia Tech ― an extension of Cru, a worldwide Christian ministry. As a member of a fraternity in college, myself and others had a vision to see the Gospel reach Greek students at a school where penetrating into a group of highly academic, highly social and involved students, can be extraordinarily difficult. However, with steady persistence and determination, my peers and I were able to successfully establish the ministry that has continued to grow since our graduation in December of 2018. Since finishing college, I have been working for The Home Depot in Atlanta as a senior analyst. As I build my career in the business world my aspirations to write and speak are not diminished and I intend to continue making strides toward these goals. My 10-year plan consists of pursuing writing in some capacity for renowned news outlets. My wish is to perfect my writing styles and provide a portfolio of writings that I can reference at any time. You will find that essentially all of the articles found here are opinion. Though the facts are presented, I deliver my take on the situation or topic at hand. With that said, you will notice my thoughts on controversial issues. Bear in mind that I never mean any disrespect to anyone, nor do I wish to spread misinformation or narrow-mindedness of any kind. I am an honest writer that aims to find the truth in everything while looking for practical solutions to help people and bring the most glory to God. Finally, if you have any suggestions for topics on which you would like me to write, recommendations, criticisms or anything else, please contact me. Thanks for visiting! Noah